
tisdag 14 maj 2013

I vantan pa sparvagnen Waiting the Tram

Ja, det tar en stund innan sparvagnen kommer. Narmare bestamt sisadar fyra till tio ar (svart att veta hur det gar) (Hallandsasen, host, host!). Det finns planer pa en metro som skall knyta samman Doha och aven i ett senare skede forlangas till den mindre orten Al Khor i norra delen av landet. Forhoppningen ar att det hela skall vara klart till VM i fotboll som planeras till 2022.

Yes, it will take a while until the tram is coming. Maybe four to ten years, difficult to say. There are plans for a metro system to connect the different parts of Doha and also later other parts of the country. As the small city Al Khor in the northern part of the country to be connected to the southern parts. The system is planned  to be in service in time for the Football World Cup 2022.

I vantan pa sparvagnen kan vi snegla mot "kusinen" Dubai. Dar finns redan ett metrosystem fran flygplatsen och till flera delar av staden. Nar jag var pa kort visit passade jag pa att ta bilder av metroskyltar och metrobanan. Jag saknar ju mina sparvagnar!

While waiting for the tram. we may have a look at the "cousin" Dubai. There is already a metro system in service from the airport to several parts of the city. I took some pictures of the metro signs and the metro system when I was in Dubai for a short visit. I do miss my trams at home!

Om en inte vill aka metron (av nagon outgrundlig anledning!) sa finns det aven taxi saklart. For damer finns det ladies taxi! Kolla in hur forarnas outfit matchar bilarna!

And if you, for any weird reason (!), don't want to use the metro, there is of course taxis. And there is Ladies Taxi for the Ladies! Check out how the ladies outfit matches the cars!

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