I Qatar finns det som sagt inte sa mycket kollektivtrafik. Daremot finns det manga bilar. Stora bilar. Bensinen kostar tva kronor litern och det kors mycket bil. Speciellt pa sommaren nar det ar valdigt varmt och en helst vill stanna inne i bilens behagliga AC-klimat, da undviker en helst att ga, aven om det sa bara ar nagra meter.
Nagot som det ocksa finns manga av i detta land ar moskeer. I princip 100 % av landets lokala befolkning qatarierna ar muslimer. Mer eller mindre praktiserande. Nagra exakta siffror ar svara att hitta. Den muslimska befolkningen blir ocksa vasentligt storre om vi aven lagger till alla muslimska gastarbetare. Manga muslimska araber fran Mellanostern och Nordafrika, manga indiska muslimska byggjobbare osv.
Dessa tva aspekter av Qatar forenas pa bensinstationernadar det gar att be i bensinstationsmosken medans servicepersonalen tar hand om bilen.
Vart annars om inte i Qatar?
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Bensinstation med moske. Petrol station with Mosque facilities. |
As mentioned earlier, there is not a lot of public transportation in Qatar. But, there are lots of cars. Big cars. The petrol/gas is cheap and there's a lot of car driving going on. Especially in summer time when it is very hot and you rather stay inside the comfy climate of the AC car than walking outside, even if it is only for a few meters.
Something there's also a lot of in this country are mosques. Basically 100% of the local population the Qataris are Muslims. More or less practicing. Exact numbers are difficult to find. The Muslim population takes a much larger number if we add all the Muslim guest workers. Especially the Muslim Arabs from The Middle East, North Africa and the Muslim Indian laborers building this country.
These two aspects comes perfectly together in the Petrol stations where you may go for prayer as the service staff is taking care of your car.
Where else if not in Qatar?
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